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Player Profile

Name: Reggie Greene
Address: 3060 Albany Crest #31
City/State: Bronx, New York 10463
Telephone: 718-796-2995
Email: reggiegreene01@yahoo.com

Position: RB / KR
Height: 5 ' 10
Weight: 190 pds
Bench: 225 pds. X 18 reps
Bench Max: 405 pds X 2 reps
40 yd. dash: 4.4 secs.
Shuttle Right: 4.16 secs.
Shuttle Left: 4.12 secs.
Vertical Jump: 37 in.
Broad Jump: 10 ' 4 "

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This 5' 10" phenomenon is nothing short of dominant. From his physical endurance and dexterity to his mind blowing equilibrium and flexible capacity. This gridiron vision genius plays with mind, body, and soul.

There is nothing he can't accomplish, for this sourcerer has journeyed - consistenly, into 9 man fronts, only to reach paydirt at voyage's end.

Iron is not hard enough and water is not fluid enough to describe this hero. Air is the only word suitable because he is everywhere.

If there ever was a player that could exceed his talent, I would pay to see it.

Get this guy on your team before you end up playing against him.

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